Bengtesgårds Ängs Naturreservat
Nature reserve near Långås
The Bengtesgårds Ängs Naturreservat is located on the edge of the settlement of Hässlås near the village of Långås in the municipality of Falkenberg. With only 4.4 hectares, the nature reserve is not particularly large, but nevertheless invites you to take a walk.
Since 1972, the nature reserve Bengtesgårds Äng protects an old hay meadow that was already used in the late Iron Age (approx. 5th century). In the meantime, the area was used as pasture for around 100 years until the traditional care was resumed in parts after the nature reserve was declared.
Amidst old oaks, mighty ash trees and numerous hazel bushes, 20 different bird species nest. Among them are the tawny owl (Strix aluco), the Eurasian wryneck (Jynx torquilla) and the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris).
In order to cultivate the land, people had to clear the areas of the numerous stones. Mostly they piled up the stones or built low walls. These remnants of early human civilisation can still be found throughout the nature reserve.
Exploring the nature reserve
A visit to the nature reserve Bengtesgårds Äng is especially worthwhile in spring, when almost the entire ground is covered with white anemones. A clearly visible circular path leads from the information sign in the east through the sea of flowers, past the old stone walls of the hay meadows. There is also a picnic area at the entrance and a small parking area not far away. For the protection of the animals and plants, dogs must be kept on a leash.