Gränsö Slotts Ljusstöperi
Well-known candle workshop in Västervik
Gränso Slotts Ljusstöperi is a well-known candle workshop on the headland Kulbacken on the outskirts of Västervik, which produces handmade candles in different, sometimes very complex designs.
The candle workshop Gränsö Slotts Ljusstöperi has been operated for several generations as a small family business and is housed in a neat brick building from the early 20th century. The elongated single-storey building with the charm of a historic factory hall unites the workshop and sales room under one roof.
The candles are made exclusively from stearin in old craft tradition – by repeated dipping of the wicks into liquid wax. With this method you can not just make simple single candles, multi-armed candles are also possible by connecting several wicks together. These include the traditional three-armed candles that are made in the candle workshop in different versions.
In addition to the fixed assortment of different candle designs, they also manufactures candles in individual designs according to customer requirements. The majority of the candles are made of white wax – the standard forms, such as Christmas tree candles are also available in red. In addition to the extensive range of candles, stylish candle holders are also offered in the shop.
Gränso Slotts Ljusstöperi is open daily and during shopping you can look from the candle store to the open workshop and take a look at the process of making the candles. In addition, evening events for groups or companies are offered, where participants learn under expert guidance to draw their own candles.
Gränsö Slotts Ljusstöperi: Opening hours
Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Last update: 06/2022 | Errors and omissions excepted.