Former oast in Klagstorp
Humletorkan in Klagstorp, located about 3 kilometers west of Näsum, was built in the year 1926 and is the only remaining oast in all of Sweden.
Today a nice café and a small shop with local crafts are inside of Humletorkan, which was used for drying hops until 1959. You can sit in the ambience of the old dryers with homemade cakes or beer (Näsumaöl), which is brewed in small quantitites with the locally grown hop.
Some parts of the old drying installation are still preserved and can be visited. From time to time, smaller art exhibitions take place in Humletorkan. There is also a small vandrahem with 12 beds and self-catering on the premises.
The cultivation of hops had a long tradition throughout Skåne, but was focused more and more on the region around Näsum. There were a total of 78 plantations in 1927 and the cultivation of hops in the area were very important during the Second World War. After the war, the imports of hops increased fast, so that in 1950 only 51 plantations existed and in 1959 commercial hop cultivation was completely abandoned.
Humletorkan: Opening hours
Opening hours
Sunday: 13:00 – 17:00
Monday – Sunday: 13:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 13:00 – 17:00
Last update: 07/2022 | Errors and omissions excepted.