Former beacon in Falsterbo
Kolabacken is the oldest light beacon of the North. The former fireplace is located on a sand hill rising above the flat terrain of Falsterbonäsets shore.
The name Kolabacken means coal hill. Even today, remnants of the old charcoal can be found on the hill.
Dominican monks build a light beacon with the approval of the Danish king. The fire should help guide ships to pass the reef of Falsterbo safely.
King Christian IV (Kristian IV) orders to build a rocker fire at this point. A replica can be seen at the Fotevikens Museum in Höllviken, approximately 12 kilometers away.
The beacon is no longer mentioned. After the end of the heydey of Falsterbo the expenses for the operation of the beacon was probably no longer appropriate.
The lighthouse of Falsterbo, which still exists, was built 400 meters west.