Kulla Gunnarstorps Mölla
Historical windmill in Hittarp
Kulla Gunnarstorps Mölla is an 18th century windmill located on the outskirts of Hittarp, a small village about 8 km north of [link=3-54]Helsingborg[link].
The mill is one of the largest windmills in Skåne. It was built by the German mill master builder Georg Soffel on behalf of the owners of the estate Kulla Gunarstorp and went into operation in 1798. Until 1950, the Kulla Gunnarstorps Mölla was regularly in operation and was given to the heritgae association Kulla by Countess Brita Wachtmeister in 1962.
It is a smock mill in the typical architecture of that time. On a bricked, plastered and whitewashed ground floor with a surrounding gallery is an octagonal wooden mill tower. The tower is three stories high and carries the rotatable head with the mills' wings.
The mill was declared a monument in 1991. The wooden mill drive and the two grinders have been renovated and the technical interior is completely intact. The wings have also been renewed, so that the mill is operational at all times.
On the Mill Day, which takes place every year on the first Sunday in July and during the local heritage festival in August, the mill is open to the public. Visits are otherwise only possible after previous arrangement by telephone.