Li Gravfält
Halland's largest burial ground
Li Gravfält (Burial Ground of Li) is the largest burial ground in the province of Halland. It is located south of the small village of Fjärås Kyrkby, about ten kilometres southeast of Kungsbacka in the municipality of Kungsbacka Kommun.
The burial ground covers an area of about 500 x 125 metres. The various graves and stones date from the Iron, Bronze and Viking Ages – from a period of 600 years between 400 and 1000. Li Gravfält contains 127 standing stones, 31 stone settings, seven of which are ship settings, and four tumuli.
The largest and best-known stone is the 4.7-metre-high Frodestenen. The menhir is also known as Kung Frodes Sten (King Frode's Stone) because a legend says that the Danish King Frode (6th century) was buried at this place after he died in Halland. Today it has been proven that this does not correspond to the course of history, but the name nevertheless persists.
Discover Li Gravfält
Li Gravfält is located in the western part of the Fjärås Bräcka Naturreservat. For a visit, the parking lot at Naturum Fjärås Bräcka is a good place to start. From there, walk down the hill by the old plague cemetery to the burial ground.