Uvabergets Naturskog och Ramlaklints Naturreservat
Nature reserve at Lake Ramsjön
The nature reserve Uvabergets Naturskog och Ramlaklints Naturreservat is located near Ramsjöholm in the east of the municipality Jönköpings Kommun and consists of the two hills Uvaberget and Ramlaklint on the southwestern shore of Lake Ramsjön.
Uvabergets Naturskog och Ramlaklints Naturreservat is located within the impressive landscape of Östra Vätterbranterna, a rocky and wooded mountain range that begins southeast of Jönköping and stretches north along the east side of the Vättern to the Omberg in Östergötland.
The forest of the nature reserve consists nearly exclusively of almost untouched coniferous forest with trees up to 130 years old. The lower areas are mainly covered with spruce and the rocky areas of the individual peaks, which can be up to 70 metres high, are mainly covered with large old pines.
The densest forest is on the Uvaberget in the southern part of the nature reserve, while the northern cliff Ramlaklint offers a wonderful view over the lake next to a likewise untouched forest landscape. The most dramatic is the cliff on the lake side, where the mountain drops almost vertically from its 70 metre high peak to the lake shore.
Flora and fauna in the nature reserve Ramlaklint
Since fallen or dead trees are not removed, the nature reserve contains a high proportion of dead wood, which benefits the numerous wood-loving insects. In particular, however, the nature reserve has a rich flora of wood mushrooms, which occurs in only a few natural forests in the province Jönköpings Län. Among them are such rare species as the Leptoporus mollis and the Phellopilus nigrolimitatus.
In the shady areas of the mountain slopes, a large number of different mosses grow, such as liverworts (Marchantiophyta), Rhytidiadelphus or Pseudobryum cinclidioides. Different types of lichens thrive on the trees, for example large leaf lichens such as the tree lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria).
The bird population consists of the typical inhabitants of an old coniferous forest such as black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix), black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), boreal owl(Aegolius funereus), spotted nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) and common raven (Corvus corax). Mammals are represented by elk, roe deer, fox, badger and marten.
Hike through the nature reserve
The nature reserve has a number of easily accessible circular paths that also allow easy ascents to the top of the cliff Ramlaklint. Especially in the southern part, at Uvaberget, the paths can be blocked by fallen trees from time to time, but they are regularly removed.