Science center in Linköping
Fenomenmagasinet is a science center focused on the exciting and educational explanation of everyday phenomena. It is located on the grounds of the open-air museum Gamla Linköping on the outskirts of Linköping.
The Fenomenmagasinet is currently relocating and is therefore temporarily closed!Fitting the surroundings of the open-air museum, the Fenomenmagasinet is located in a three-storey historical wooden building that was once the warehouse of a sugar factory. Some parts of the science center are located in a large octagonal annex, which was adapted in its external appearance to the surroundings of the museum.
As its name suggests, the Fenomenmagasinet in Linköping is dealing with phenomena. However, this does not mean highly scientific experiments or abstract theories, but rather everyday scientific phenomena, which almost everyone knows, but does not always know how or why they actually work.
With hundreds of test setups, a multitude of scientific laws and technical applications can be experienced in a playful way. The Fenomenmagasinet mainly addresses children and adolescents, but is therefore not much less interesting for adults.
The different experiments come from the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, technology as well as health and lifestyle and are adapted to different age groups in their degrees of difficulty.