Göteryds Hembygdspark
Homestead in Göteryd
The homestead Göteryds Hembygdspark, consisting of three historical buildings, is located in the small parish Göteryd, not far from the lake Römningen in the west of the municipality of Älmhult.
Göteryds Hembygdspark is run by the local heritage society, which erected the first historical building in the park in 1950. This was the small house of a so-called Soldattorpet, one of those small farming cottages that used to be scattered throughout the country and which the individual rural communities had to make available to the soldiers assigned to them until the introduction of compulsory military service in 1901.
The small wooden house with a grass roof was inhabited until 1945 and originally was located in the hamlet Romarehylte near Älmhult. In 1949, the local history association bought the empty house for 500 crowns and, with the financial support of the municipality, dismantled it piece by piece and rebuilt it in the local heritage museum. Today's interior shows a typical living situation of the 19th century and consists of collected furnishings from the region.
Other buildings in Göteryds Hembygdspark
The second building is a little smaller and was formerly the home of a day labourer. The cottage dates from the late 18th century and is named Franzénstuga after its last owner Jakob Franzén. The local history society bought the cottage in 1953 for 50 crowns and transported it to its museum. Until then the house had a clay floor, but since the nearby church of Göteryd got a new floor in the same year, the stuga got a wooden floor from the old floorboards of the church.
The third building of the small museum is a rather old barn, which used to stand a few kilometres to the south in the hamlet of Burhult and was donated. The roofing of the barn consists of very old roof tiles, which come from the old workshop of the former pulp mill in Delary.
In front of the pulp mill that was closed down in 1981, the local history society of Göteryd also runs the small open-air exhibition Bruksparken with some of the exhibits from the old mill. However, the largest permanent project of the association is the wooden church Emanuelskapellet south of Delary, which has been saved from decay and declared an architectural monument thanks to the efforts of the association.
Furthermore, on the first Saturday in July, the local history association organizes the annual Göteryds Marknad in the Hembygdspark with small exhibitions and market stalls with handicraft articles, grilled food, waffles, coffee and other drinks.