Jordö Naturreservat
Nature reserve on the island Almö
The 22-hectare nature reserve Jordö Naturreservat is located on the south side of the island Almö, about 20 kilometers southeast of Ronneby.
The most visible characteristic of the Jordö Naturreservat is a constant change between rocky areas with juniper bushes and areas with dense deciduous forest dominated by old gnarled oaks. The immediate vicinity of these two completely different landscape types has produced a great variety of species of accompanying flora and fauna in a relatively small space.
The forest and the tall dense juniper bushes provide good wind protection and locally higher average temperatures than in the rest of the region. Insects benefit mainly from this, including the very rare species of the longhorn beetle (Rhagium sycophanta).
The more or less open rock surfaces are dotted with different mosses and lichens. The rarest lichen in the nature reserve is the Pachyphiale carneola which does not grow on the dry land but on the tree trunks in the humid climate of the deciduous forest.
The deciduous forest is also home to numerous species of fungi, including the relatively rare oak bracket (Pseudoinonotus dryadeus), occurring only on oaks. The stag beetle (Lucanus cervus) is also dependent on large population of old oak trees, which provides good living conditions and also covers the adjacent nature reserves Almö and Vambåsa Hagmarker.
On the almost 2 kilometer long circular trail, which leads through the different areas of the nature reserve, you can also find evidence of the former cultivation of the area.