Lindö Udde Naturreservat
Nature reserve on Lindö
Lindö Udde Naturreservat is a 75 hectare nature reserve at the tip of the peninsula Lindö near Kuggeboda, about 15 kilometres south of Ronneby.
The nature reserve is particularly well known among ornithologists, as Lindö Udde is considered one of the best places for observing migratory birds in the whole of Blekinge. In the period from early March to mid-April mainly eider ducks (Somateria mollissima) that rest in large swarms on the peninsula's shores before continuing their journey to the north.
At the peak up to 200.000 birds per day are counted in spring, whereas in the swarms with commoin eiders also a few king eiders (Somateria spectabilis) fly along. In addition, smaller flocks of black-throated loons (Gavia arctica), cormorants, wild geese and various species of Charadriiformes meet on Swedish soil near Lindö Udde. In autumn, besides waterfowl, there are large numbers of predatory birds and sparrows on their way south.
Discover Lindö Udde on foot
In addition to birdwatching, the nature reserve offers plenty of opportunities for extended walks on several marked trails which criss-cross the peninsula as well as along the stony shores of the peninsula.
Until the middle of the 19th century, the peninsula was used intensively as a pasture and was almost treeless. Since then, sparse deciduous forests have settled in the middle of the peninsula, mainly consisting of oaks, beeches, aspens and birches.
Along the stony banks runs a strip of beach meadows, which are grazed in summer. The transition between meadows and deciduous forest is formed by a dense belt with thorn-reinforced bushes of sloes, rose hips and hawthorn.
Furthermore, for more than 100 years, until the 1930s, Lindö was a focal point of the local stone industry for road construction and shore protection. Everywhere on the peninsula you can find traces of former granite mining in the form of broken rock massifs, heaps of scrap stones, spoil heaps and old transport routes.