Målilla Motormuseum
Motor museum in Målilla
The Målilla Motormuseum, located on the site of the heritage museum Målilla-Gårdveda Hembygdspark on the outskirts of Målilla ,presents an exceptionally large collection of well-preserved historical combustion engines.
In the 360-square-meter hall of the Målilla Motormuseum are around 100 well-preserved stationary and mobile industrial engines from the period around 1907 to 1952. The majority of the mainly still working behemoths of early engine development are the hot-bulb engines, followed by petrol and diesel engines.
Hot-bulb engines make few demands on the ignitability of the fuel used and are among the very first multi-fuel engines, which means that they can be operated with almost anything that is liquid and flammable. These include diesel and petroleum and also heavy oil, vegetable oils, paraffin, fish oil or tar oil.
The development of increasingly powerful diesel engines led eventually to the decline of the hot-bulb engines from the late 1920s, although there are still some specimens that do their regular service in remote areas of the world today.
Of the approximately 200,000 hot-bulb engines produced in Sweden, around 8,000 came from the production of the former engine factory Målilla Mekaniska Verkstad. Therefore, it is not surprising that among the exhibited engines are around 13 copies from the factory in Målilla. Among them is the first hot-bulb engine built in Målilla in 1907 and one of the last diesel engines produced by the engine factory in 1952.
During the first weekend in August, at Motorens Dag, many of the old machines are awakened and presented in action. At the same time there is a market for old spare parts and several owners of historical machines present them to the public.