Oskarshamns Sjöfartsmuseet
Maritime museum in Oskarshamn
Oskarshamns Sjöfartsmuseet is located in the cultural centre in the town centre of Oskarshamn and shows the historical development of maritime navigation in the region of Oskarshamn.
With around 6,000 exhibits, Oskarshamns Sjöfartsmuseet has a quite large and diverse collection of various exhibits from the history of the iron-hulled sailing ships. In addition to countless models of sailing ships and paintings there are all kinds of equipment, navigation devices and construction drawings to be seen as well as explanatory information boards and video clips.
The fact that bringing souvenirs from foreign countries is not an invention of modern times can be seen in the collection of objects that former sailors brought home from their travels across the seven seas. Among them are also more unusual pieces, such as a walking stick carved from the spine of a shark.
For the youngest visitors to the museum there is a play corner where they can let their imagination run wild in the galley or on the bridge of the former barge Thyra. There are also lots of toys related to seafaring as well as life jackets to try on or pirate costumes to disguise.
The maritime museum is located in the same building as the Döderhultarmuseet with the most important works of the famous wood sculptor Axel "Döderhultarn" Petersson. The entrance fee allows you to visit both museums.
Oskarshamns Sjöfartsmuseet: Opening hours & admission
Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 10:00 – 16:00
Last update: 06/2022 | Errors and omissions excepted.