Brädholmen Gästhamn
Marina in Oskarshamn
In the northwestern corner of the harbor of Oskarshamn, located in the city center, is the modern marina Brädholmen Gästhamn with about 80 berths for pleasure boats and a parking space for campers.
The water depth in Brädholmen Gästhamn is between two and four meters and the moorings are sufficient for pleasure boats up to a length of 60 feet. The approximately 80 to 100 berths are distributed on both sides of the bridge to the island of Badholmen and on two long swimming bridges in the northern part of the harbor basin.
The services offered at the marina consist of a petrol and diesel refueling station, a gas container filling station, fresh water supply and waste water disposal, a laundry room and toilets and showers. 20 of the moorings are equipped with power connections.
You can find a restaurant immediately in the harbor, other restaurants are located within short walking distance. On the northern quay, with a beautiful view of the marina and the city, is a parking space for up to 10 campers.