Rebbelberga Kyrka
Historical church in Ängelholm
The church of Rebbelberga is located on the northern outskirts of Ängelholm and its bell tower is the oldest building in the city.
The Rebbelberga Kyrka originates from the 12th century and was almost completely converted in a very special way in 1866-67. Around the nave from the 13th century was built just a larger nave. Thus, the services could be held as usual during the construction phase. At the end of the construction work, the inner, old church was demolished.
The medieval bell tower and part of the gable at the side of the tower of the old church are still there. The new nave got a stepped gable and an apse-like attachement on the east side, which was replaced by a spacious, rectangular choir in 1934. At this time, the church clock was installed.
The altarpiece from 1911 was designed by cathedral architect Theodor Wåhlin. The baptismal font is still from the old church and dates back to 1743. The baptismal bowl from the 16th century ist still in use. The old church crucifix of Rebbelberga is one of the oldest crucifixes in Skåne and is displayed at the historical museum in Lund.