Skottsbergska Gården
Historical merchant house in Karlshamn
Skottsbergska Gården is a former merchant house dating from the 18th century. It is located in Kulturkvarteret, the cultural quarter in Karlshamn, alongside with other historical buildings.
The courtyard buildings are still in their original condition and stands at its original location. A preserved in private mansion from this era is extremely rare, in Sweden and in the rest of Europe. Therefore Skottsbergska Gården belongs to the most important historical and cultural buildings in Sweden.
The merchant house provides a unique insight into the architecture and the bourgeois living conditions in 18th century in Sweden. The listed building also represents the history of trade in an early Karlshamn.
Skottsbergska Gården: Opening hours
Opening hours
Tuesday – Sunday: 13:00 – 17:00
Last update: 06/2022 | Errors and omissions excepted.