Flyinge Ängars Naturreservat
Nature reserve near Flyinge
The nature reserve Flyinge Ängar stretches over the open countryside between the small river Kävlingeån and the outskirts of the village Flyinge, approximately 17 kilometers northeast of Lund.
The 50 hectares of the nature conservation area are splitted into two parts by their different landscape forms. The areas of Flyinge Ängar close to the river, are consisting of wetlands, where lapwings and curlews breed. The meadows also belong to the hunting grounds of the storks, which nest in large numbers on the roofs of the nearby stud Flyinge Kungsgård.
The other part of the nature reserve consists of hills with sandy soils, from whose tops you have a beautiful view over the area. There is also a lot of quiet spots for a picnic in the middle of colorful flower meadows.
There are plants adapted to sandy soils like pasque flowers (Pulsatilla), dwarf everlast (Helichrysum arenarium), maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides), Breckland thyme (Thymus serpyllum), grey hair-grass (Corynephorus canescens) or sheep's bit scabious (Jasione montana). In addition, the meadows are home to a wide variety of insects such as wild bees, beetles and different species of butterflies.