Häckeberga Naturreservat
Nature reserve at lake Häckebergasjön near Genarp
The nature reserve Häckeberga Naturreservat is located in the large conservation area around lake Häckebergasjön near the town Genarp, about 25 kilometers southeast of Lund.
Häckeberga-Skoggård is one of the most valuable forest habitats in Skåne and is with 324 hectares the largest and most important of the four nature reserves in the aree. The biologist Carl von Linné, who also came to Häckeberga in 1741 during his famous trip through Skåne, described the area as the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in Skåne.
The nature reserve extends across the lake with the castle Häckeberga, the wooded islands and the forest areas on the east and south sides of the lake and the extensive wetland in the west.
The forests around the lake, as well as the smaller forested areas, which are located on the hills between the valleys of the wetland, consist mainly of large and very old beech and oak trees. About 130 threatened species, especially rare lichens, fungi and beetles can be found in and on the old trees.
The frequent change between forest and open countryside offers good living conditions for roe deer, fallow deer and red deer. In the wetlands breed numerous waterfowl as well as black terns (Chlidonias niger) and whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus). The entire area is also used for winter quarters by golden and white-tailed eagles.