Fishing river near Nybrostrand
The mouth of the river Nybroån on the outskirts of Nybrostrand, just 7 kilometers east of Ystad, is considered to be the most famous fishing area for sea trout in southern Sweden.
The last 500 meters the river runs along parallel to the shore of the sea until it flows into the Baltic Sea after a short, sharp bend. The estuary of Nybroån is also the natural border of the kilometer-long sandy beach Ystads Sandskogs Strand, which stretches in a western direction to the outskirts of Ystad.
In addition to sea trout there can be found pike, river perch and rainbow trout in the Nybroån. Fishing is permitted only from the river bank, boats may not be used. The maximum catch for sea trout is 2 fish per person per day.
The required fishing license can be obtained at the sport fishing club in Ystad or at the fishing shop in Ystad. It is to be noted that the river section released for sport fishing is limited to a length of 2 km from the river mouth upstream.