Ystads Sandskogs Naturreservat
Nature reserve near Ystad
The nature reserve Ystads Sandskog consists of an artificial protective forest along the coast between the eastern outskirts of Ystad and the mouth of the river Nybroån near Nybrostrand.
Ystads Sandskog was built at the beginning of the 19th century mainly to protect the city from the shifting sands and to prevent the dunes from moving inland. The actual nature reserve has a size of 115 hectares and extends along a narrow, but 4 kilometer long coastal strip, including the beach Ystads Sandskogs Strand.
The forest of the nature reserve consists mainly of pines and on the meager sandy ground grow broom, blueberry, cranberry and various grasses. On the few, slightly moistened surfaces, you can find marsh violets and indigenous orchids.