Ljuva Mons Naturreservat
Nature reserve near Linneryd
The nature reserve Ljuva Mon is located on the outskirts of [Linneryd and covers the region between the two lakes Rolsmosjön and Linnerydssjön as well as large parts of the lakes.
Ljuva Mons Naturreservat has a total area of 135 hectares. The terrain consists of various geological formations such as smaller hills, boulders, terraces and swales in different forms.
The trees consists almost exclusively of an unusually beautiful pine forest on a mostly nutrient-poor ground. The forest floor is almost completely covered with grasses, interspersed with islands of the pale pink flowers of the Linnéa (twinflower), the landscape flower of Småland.
Especially near the lakeshore occurred the Mjölon (bearberry), a ground covering small shrub whose fruit have a strong resemblance with cranberries, but are not very palatable.
The relatively large parking lot is located right at the bathing spot Nabben and if you want to eat something before or after a walk through the nature reserve, you find a snack bar on the adjoining campsite.