Midingsbråte Naturreservat
Nature reserve at the Norra Svansjön
Midingsbråte Naturreservat is a small but exciting nature reserve at the lake Norra Svansjön, just 3 km south of the small village Midingsbråte.
The nearly 2.5 hectare Midingsbråte Naturreservat is located on the west side of the Norra Svansjön. It became a nature reserve already in 1956 and is home of a small piece of the wild Swedish forest. The trees grow completely unaffected by human intervention – fallen trees are left in place and the dead wood serves as a habitat for many organisms of the forest.
There are no paths, but the terrain is flat, so that you can walk very well cross-country between the mighty tree trunks. Due to the dense roof of the tree tops, only very dim light falls on the forest floor.
Near the lakeshore breeds the rare lesser spotted woodpecker and the pygmy owl, the smallest European owl. The largest bird of prey there is the northern goshawk.
A few hundred meters within the nature reserve, you can find the ruins of human dwellings, which intensify the feeling of an abandoned forest. Far away from the nearest neighbors, there was once a torp, the courtyard of a small farmer, whose existence is only shown by overgrown ground walls and some old fruit trees.
The easiest way to get to the nature reserve is to drive about 2.5 kilometers on the narrow gravel road towards Ekelund, which branches off from the main road opposite a small gravel parking lot east of the bathing spot Midingsbråte.