Stenfors Naturreservat
Nature reserve near Tingsryd
The nature reserve Stenfors Naturreservat covers an area of about 66 hectares – from the south shore of the lake Tiken near Tingsryd over a distance of about 3 kilometers downstream along the course of the river Bräkneån.
The dense forest of the reserve Stenfors consists mainly of mixed deciduous forest with a large number of very old beech and oak trees. The area is rich in rare plant species, including a variety of unusual mosses and lichens.
In the river live trout, the rare, flattened river mussel and otters are regularly spotted. The Stenfors Kulturstig runs through the northern half of the area – a cultural trail along the ruins of the former ironworks Stenfors Bruk, which are scattered in the forest.